Brexit The Cartoonists View

Brexit: The Cartoonists' View

A collection of cartoons from different countries and artists depicting the EU referendum and its aftermath.

The UK's decision to leave the European Union has been a major news story, and political cartoonists have been quick to respond with their own unique takes on the situation.

From the UK's own David Low to France's Plantu, cartoonists from all over the world have been offering their own perspectives on the Brexit vote. Some cartoons have been humorous, while others have been more serious, but all of them have something to say about the UK's decision to leave the EU.

One of the most common themes in Brexit cartoons is the idea of the UK as an island nation. In many cartoons, the UK is depicted as a small island, adrift in the sea, and surrounded by larger, more powerful countries. This image reflects the sense of isolation and uncertainty that many people in the UK feel about the future of their country.

Another common theme in Brexit cartoons is the idea of the UK as a divided nation. In many cartoons, the UK is depicted as a country divided into two camps: those who voted to leave the EU and those who voted to remain. This division is reflected in the political landscape of the UK, where the two main parties are deeply divided on the issue of Brexit.

The Brexit vote has been a major event in British history, and it is likely to have a profound impact on the country's future. Political cartoonists have been quick to respond to the vote, and their cartoons offer a unique and valuable perspective on the event.

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